Submit Your Video!
We’re giving away $10,000 in prize money (three first prizes of $2,000 across three rounds, and one grand prize of $4,000) to videographers, students, organizations, destinations, or anyone else who can show the impact of women who are accelerating and elevating travel and tourism.
Create a video featuring women in travel in the U.S. It could showcase one traveler, someone who works in the travel industry, the entire community of women travelers, or something else relevant we haven’t thought of yet.
Upload your video to YouTube, submit it here, and share it with your friends, family, loose acquaintances, friends of friends, and beyond. Our Vacationist editors will pick a winner from the five videos with the most votes (not that we don’t love Boaty McBoatface, but weird things happen). Enter ASAP for your chance to win!
Rules include:
- Stick to the theme and be creative
- Keep video length 5 minutes or shorter
- Content shall be appropriate for all audiences (and respectful to all humans)
- Share your video on social media with #WomenInTravel (OK, this is more of a suggested strategy than an actual rule)
- Don’t fret—we haven’t run out of rules. Read official rules here. Also find therein: handy details on judging criteria.